Nutrition for cancer patients

Nutrition for Autoimmune Disease patients


Autism is a 'spectrum' of conditions

- not a single condition, and it tends to affect different people in different ways. There are several key aspects in which nutrition can support patients with this group of conditions, depending on the areas affected by the disorder. I've listed below the key areas which in my experience make the greatest difference to patients.

I recommend you find a practitioner with experience in supporting patients with autism to allow you to identify which key areas most benefit from support in your case.

Overview of Some key aspects affecting Autism Spectrum Patients

  • Methylation 
  • Dietary approaches using low carb high fat (LCHF) ketogenic / paleo diets
  • Neurotransmitter issues
  • BACC
  • DPP IV
  • Leaky gut
  • Intestinal parasites and other pathogenic organisms
  • Heavy metal toxicity

How can you identify which aspects are relevant to you?

A full medical history incl. a look at blood tests where available will be very helpful. There are indicators for each area which serve as pointers allowing us to deduce with fair accuracy which areas might best be prioritised. I've given some examples below, more info can be found on the relevant pages (links to the left) and in the glossary (right). 
